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What I have Learned from Camp

It is amazing that you are never too old to learn anything!  Yep!  Forty-seven years old and I have learned so much this week.  And to think, all I had to do was send children to church camp to learn!!!!

So, here are a few things I have learned so far::

1.  I can wash ALL the dishes by hand and not spend forever at the sink doing it!
     (dish washer has not been used since Sunday night)
2.  A double roll of toilet paper can last ALMOST three days!
3.  We're really not very hungry!  (snacks are  almost non-existent)
4.  Who's fighting????
5.  A gallon of tea is WAY too much!
6.  Mmmm...what is sugar?
7.  Coffee creamer last a LONG time!
8.  A gallon of milk can last for more than one day! (we are on day three!)
9.  We can eat at Denny's and not take out a loan!
10.  Laundry does not multiply like rabbits!
11.  I can STAMP, I can STAMP, I can STAMP!  
12.  My house is so much cooler! (I'm talking about the temp!)

Now, those are all really negatives!  I miss my little crew!  I'd change the T.P. roll eight times a day and run the dishwasher four times and break up 100 fights to have them all back home.  But until then I will enjoy the moment!!  It will all end Friday afternoon at one o'clock! 

Son #5 is going to spend the night with a friend tonight and go to camp  to visit tomorrow!  I will only have two at home!!!!  What will I do?  That will leave me only an eight year old son and a six year old daughter at home! THAT IS SOMETHING I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED!!! JUST TWO!!!  I may have to go out and "hire" some children!  Forget it, we are going to Wendy's for supper!!!!  (it is so cheap when you drink water and Hubby works late!)  {so nobody gets the wrong idea, I will still feed Hubby!}


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