As summer is quickly coming to a close, it has brought a new season to my life. I have been a full-time home educating mom for the last 16 years with three years of home education several years before that. As of today, my home educating hat is put on the rack. There may be a time in the future it is needed, but for now it is on the rack. Today, our last six scholars went off to school with Hubby. Today is the first day of school at the Christian school where Hubby is teaching full-time. This is the first time they will be schooling where home is not the classroom for academics. (it remains the classroom for many other things!) This day brings mixed emotions. We knew there would be a day when Hubby stepped back into full-time Christian education. I have prepared myself for this. I already shed many silent tears before this day. But I know that a door of opportunity of serving is just ahead. God ha...
2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight:"