Graduation is finished! Tuesday evening Daughter #3 graduated and did a wonderful job. I cried! Our graduates are required to give a speech. This is very hard on some of them, especially if they are not one who like to get up in public and speak. And Daughter #3 is one of "them". But she did great! I knew she was nervous, but you could not tell by the way she spoke and poised herself! Today we celebrate again with her open house, then over to Son #2's home for a cookout! Yesterday was our last day of school! Yes! All exams are finished and graded! Everyone was promoted to the next grade! So next year we will have only 7 scholars in school. Grades 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, two in 9th , and 11th! Half-way!!!!! Yesterday I put all of the second semester of quiz and test reviews into storage and put in place the first semester of the next school year! It is a very big job and takes a few hours so it organ...