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Showing posts from January, 2011

Tea Party

The Tea Party I had a little tea party This afternoon at three. 'Twas very small- Three guest in all- Just I, myself and me. Myself ate all the sandwiches, While I drank up the tea; 'Twas also I who ate the pie And passed the cake to me. ~~Jessica Nelson North  This has been one of my favorite poems.  Daughter #2 learned it in kindergarten! { That has been 13 years ago! }  I get a chuckle out of it every time I hear it!  Our youngest daughter learned it just shortly before Christmas.  I don't know if I like it so much because "I don't have to share" in this tea party, or what! Anyway, one of our daughters received a tea set for Christmas.  We have had "mini" sets and the plastic Disney Princess set.  But this is a REAL tea set--for children!  Oh, we have had many tea parties, with "low calorie" invisible tea and Duplo blocks for snacks.  Taking tea with the finest of teddy bears, stuffed rabbits, and Elmo has b...

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Where has the time gone?  Oh, I know...I've been sick!  Funny how time runs together when Momma is not on top of the game!  About a week ago I woke up really dizzy.  I was in bed almost all day on the first day.  I think I saw about 3 1/2 - 4 hours out of twenty-four!  The following days were a bit better, but I still have to be careful how I move my head.  I thought at first it was because the day before we FINALLY WENT TO THE CHILDREN'S MUSEUM!!!!!! { So much fun!!!}  I went on the carousel twice!  Okay, I stood next to out 6 year old as she "rode" the horse and then the tiger!  But now I'm not sure...maybe the "bubble" in my head is off! ;-)    You can read more about our adventure by going to my daughter's blog . I thought I would share a couple of pictures.  These two pictures are from Christmas Eve.   The first is of our seven daughters.  The second is the girls with the two s...

Happy New Year!

How did you spend the last day/evening of 2010?  Hopefully it was with your loved ones, whether it be family or friend.  Our two oldest living at home spent the evening with friends from church and came home around 7 am.  Husband and I spent the evening with the other 8 children playing board games and watching videos.  I made it through the first video, but when the second video came on, I joined our 6 year old daughter on the floor, turned over and went to sleep.  Husband woke me up at 11:55 to watch the "ball drop" with the children.   As we were putting them to bed, two of the girls kept saying they did not see the ball drop.  I said, "You're kidding!  You sat on my bed and watched it!"  Daughter #5, (child #11), said, "We didn't see the ball drop."  After I explained it was not a REAL ball, one of the said, "Well, we wouldn't know, we never got to stay up before to see it!"  True, true, true!  We usua...