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School Is Out

Today and tomorrow marks the last day for school for our 2011/2012 school year.  It is a bittersweet moment.  I will be glad to have a break and go back to being a full-time homemaker!  At the same time it is sad.  It means that my young ones are growing up and growing away.  Okay, maybe not like going off to college in the fall, but you know, another year gone.

I was very tearful this afternoon since Daughter #7 finished the first grade.  She is now a second grader!  I have no more little ones to teach first grade!  She has learned so much.  We started the year reviewing simple addition families, one's, two's, etc., and ended the year starting the nineteen family and very simple multiplication!

It will take me some time to close the year out totally.  I have new material to order and old to take off the shelves.  Some items will remain for the next child and some will never be used by us again.  There really is so much to get done, but my house needs my attention!  It is time to get in the nook and crannies!  Watch out kiddos!  Momma will be on a roll!  If you sit too long you might be mistaken for a dust-bunny! *smile*


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