I am thankful for my children! Our days are busy, noisy, and sometimes down right hectic and unpredictable--usually attitudes ;-)--but I am thankful for the fourteen living children, the in-loves, and grands! So many people look at children as an inconvenience, expensive, in-the-way, and just plain bothersome. I wonder what they think when they see me with my children? No, I don't wonder, their face says it all. (We saw it when we were in Ohio last week. Come to think of it, when we stopped at a fast food resturant to eat, I don't remember seeing any other children or young people.) My children are a blessing from the Lord. He saw it was a good thing for Hubby and I be parents to a mega-family. It is not always easy, not only in trying to raise them and provide for them, but the comments and stares. I have been blessed beyond measure! Children--youngers, middlers, teens, and adults--Momma and Daddy...